TheReviewIndex | Unbiased User Review Summaries
The internet is a source of a humongous amount of unstructured content for all sorts of products, in the form of blogs, videos, user and expert reviews, etc. It is almost impossible for anyone to scour all of this disparate data, with contradictory opinions, and thereafter make a correct, or...
Typography Example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Id, aliquam magni et officiis nemo nihil aliquid placeat alias. Eum voluptates ducimus, nobis ex illum laboriosam quidem corrupti impedit ratione in voluptatum amet beatae facilis temporibus voluptate praesentium voluptatibus! At ab, iusto error amet eveniet debitis ipsa recusandae possimus minima sunt...
Code Syntax Example
To insert highlight code inside of a post, it’s enough to use some specific tags, has directly described into the Jekyll documentation. In this way the code will be included into a .highlight CSS class and will be highlight according to the syntax.scss file. This is the standard style adopted...